Meet the author
I would not have dreamed of a nicer presentation than this one. My eldest daughter gave me this gift, I want to share it with you!:
"Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, I have the honor to present the author: Marie.
She is also my mom.
When my sister and I were little girls, my mom would read her stories to us to soften our childhood and filled it with endearing images and ideas she had created for us.
While dedicating her life to education and to the art of filling our home with tenderness and laughter, she kept writing stories for children, and shared them with children them in kindergarten .
Her stories reflect the expression of her imagination and her natural optimism, while opening the minds of small children to an imagination of their own, and discovering the world around them, and developing an appetite for words.
Growing up, we put her trasured stories in a small box at the bottom of our hearts which has accompanies us gently into adulthood ...
Bon voyage! "
Nathalie Tibi